P: Pictophonograms
(“hieroglyphs”) pictorial glyphs.[1]
PD: Phaistos Disc script (pictophonic,
and linear).[2]
A: Linear A syllabary.[3]
B: Linear B syllabary.[4]
AB: Linear A signs identified with their B
CA: Cyprian Archaic syllabary (derived from Linear A).[6]
CC: Cyprian Cuneiform
C: Linear C, the Cyprian
[1] P:
and Godet 1996 (Corpus): 17, 19, 386-429.
[2] PD: Evans 1909: 22-28, 273-293, 276 (table of
signs); Duhoux 1977; Fischer 1988; Faucounau 1999: 10 (table), 65-105 (signs). Colless:
[7] CC:
E. Masson1974: 12-15, Figures 2-4; Olivier 2007: 413-415; Ferrara 2012:
255:Table 5:10, “A tentative standardized signs repertoire”; both Olivier and
Ferrara have arbitrarily reduced the number of signs on their tables; but until
we know the sound-value of every sign and can dispense with numbering, Masson’s
full set of numbers must remain in use.
Colless, tables and charts:
A (P42, AB8, CA2, CC101, 102, C A) is an ax (axinê), with triangular or curved blades, but these were squared in
the stylization process.
A/HA (B25)
AI (A306, B43) possibly a goat (aiks) or an eagle (aietos);
cp. QI and ME.
AU (P17 13a, AB85) a pig.
E (P28, AB38, CA17, CC38, C E; also PD2) can be related to etheira, “hair” or “horse hair crest on
helmets” (Homer).
I (P31, A28a, AB28, CA21/104, CC104. C I) appears to be an olive branch, hence
‘iketêria (elaia), a suppliant’s
olive branch, wound around with wool, and the end of the thread is shown on
some of the A28a forms; this causes confusion with the thumb of NO, and these
are both mistakenly catalogued under A28; see NO below.
O (P5, AB61, CC64 84 66, C O) is an eye (omma), still detectable in some
Linear A glyphs (HT Wa 1279 shows the pupil and the eyelashes); it has been
confused with the BEER sign (AB123) on TL Za 1a
U (P95, AB10, CC19 20 79, C U) apparently began as ‘ustrix, a porcupine or hedgehog, but
its features were lost, and, like KU (dog), it was wrongly seen as a bird.
(AB56) a ladder with 3 or 4 rungs (not klimaks,
but bathron, a set of steps or
BU (see PHU)
DA (P27, P29, AB1, CA18, CC4, C TA) is a leafy twig (thallos) but reduced to a stick form
DE (P37, P94c, AB45; CC97, C RO) is a dwelling on legs; its
equivalent character on the Phaistos Disc (PD24) is more detailed, with a
dome-top and a protruding plate; it resembles some of the later tombs in Lykia;
perhaps thêkê, “grave” (or demein, “build”). Because Linear A RO (the + sign) was used for Cyprian LO, a new RO had to be found for the
Cyprian syllabary, and apparently DE was adopted for RO.
DI (P39, AB7) seems to be a net, perhaps on a
pole in the present case, presumably Greek diktuon,
“net”; P39 represents network and would be the original sign.
DO (P50, A304, B14) looks like a spear, and doru has that meaning.
DU (P59, P60, AB51, CC32 46 47 106, C SU) can be seen as a man with a crook,
though some of its developed shapes are enigmatic; its original pictogram would
be the crook alone (P59, and P60, which has an angle rather than a curve at the
top). The staff could be a symbol of power (Greek dunamis, dunasteia); the man (dunastês,
potentate) must have been added for clarity, but this detail was obscured in
the Linear B version; it reappears in Cyprian SU.
(B71, P4?)
DWO (AB118) is a pair of scales, symbolizing
KA (P47, AB77, CA9, CC25, C KA) appears regularly as a cross (+)
within a circle, like Tet in the Phoenician alphabet, and Theta; its source
would be P47, a cane basket with a handle, sometimes with elaborate
cross-hatching, but more often with no weaving indicated; the AB form has
omitted the handle and simplified the wickerwork; the corresponding Egyptian
hieroglyph (V31) of a wickerwork basket with a handle is viewed from the side;
it represents k, but the reason is unknown; Kaptarian KA can
readily be connected with Greek kaneon,
“cane basket”. The Alashian KA (CA9) started as the encircled cross but the
lower part of the circle was pruned.
KE (P36, AB44, CA19, CC107 105, C KE) is a structure, possibly a booth or
a shrine, or a stage for actors, skênê
(initial s in a consonant cluster
would not be represented in this writing system); the disc above it may be the
sun, suggesting skias, a shady
covering, “pavilion”.
KI (P57, AB67, CC70, C KI) is obviously a stringed musical instrument (though it came to
look like a drinking vessel), and thus kithara,
KO (P62, AB70, CA10, CC21, C KO) flat-headed nail, gomphos, equivalent to alphabetic Waw.
KU (P18, AB81, CC110, C KU) looks like a bird in flight (in its AB form), but on closer
examination it must be the head of a dog in profile, with an eye and a
protruding tongue (P18); the Greek word for “dog” is kuôn. The Cyprian form is on its side, with the tongue pointing
KRA (P82, AB34, A308?) represents an eye with its pupil,
Greek glênê.
KRO (P63 64, A326? 329? B35) depicts a cord wound on a stick (klôstêr, "line"; also the origin of
Q in the alphabet, from qaw, a line);
the stick was eventually bent to make B35 (KRO) look like B34 (KRA), but they
have opposite forms; they are usually regarded as unidentified.
(CC87, from A60 RA).
LE (CC76,
a new creation; C LE resembles 8).
9, from A53 RI).
LO (CC5,
from A2 RO).
(CC 24, a new formation).
MA (AB80, CC43, 49, 52, 53, C MA) is undoubtedly a cat (as also PD29)
and the MA might be the sound of its mewing (mao); ME, MI, and MU apparently
have a similar origin in animal vocalisation); but there are not many
cat-glyphs in the pictophonic inventory (*P97); possibly the ma-syllable was
first represented by a breast-glyph (P34a, see also PE, P34b), mastos or malon (Doric).
(P16, AB13, CC35, C ME) the head of a sheep with horns;
perhaps mêlon “sheep” (or sometimes
goat), or mêkas (mêkaomai,“bleat”, of sheep or goat), as MA (cat), MI (bird), MU
(cow) are apparently derived from animal sounds. The P16 collection of goats
and sheep may include AI and QI.
MI (P13b, AB73, CC91 89 90, C MI) is a bird with its beak open and
vocalising, evoking minurisma,
“warbling”; note that the P13 collection includes some animal heads, notably
pig (P13a, P17, AB85, AU) and some
bovines (P13c, P14).
MO (P68,
A321?, B15, CC73, C MO) is
enigmatic; P68 might be a variant of TE (tree), but it could be a spine with
ribs, like the Egyptian djed column,
symbolizing “stability”, and this would match Greek monimos, “stable, steadfast”; the Cyprian forms support this view.
MU (P12, AB23, CA5. CC55, 39, 42, 54, C MU) is a bovine head in profile, with
horn and ear, and suggests mukêma,
“bellowing”; the Cyprian forms seem to have moved to a frontal view; see QO.
NA (P78, AB6, CA4, CC8, C NA) represents an eye with a flow (nama) of tears (Sophocles: dakruôn therma nama); the Phaistos Disc
equivalent (PD3) has a man’s head with two tears on his cheek, and it also
appears on PH Wc 45.
NE (P52, AB24, CA20, CC2, 18, 34, 56, C NE) is a libation vessel with handle
and spout; possibly from nektar, the
drink of the gods; on KH 53 it stands beside the BEER mug with strainer.
NI (P24, AB30, CA16, CC99, 100, 65, C NI) a fig tree, Cretan Greek nikuleon, “fig”. Perhaps this is an indication that the Aegean writing system originated in Crete, rather than elsewhere, and the language it was based on was a Cretan dialect of "Danaic" (Greek).
NO (P8, A28b, (A)B52, CC17, C NO) is an upraised hand, showing
fingers and thumb, and this is clear enough in the Linear B forms; but Linear A
NO and I
have been catalogued together in slot 28; they may now be distinguished as AB52
and AB28 respectively; the acrophonic origin may be in nomos, “law”, specifically kheirôn
nomos, “law of force” (kheir,
“hand”, hence the hand-sign for NO).
NU (P9, AB55, CA12, CC68, 103, C NU) is a pair of vertical lines joined
at the halfway point by a pair of horizontal bars, but also found with curved
strokes; it seems to be derived from a hand pictogram (P9) with thumb but no
fingers shown, and having two horizontal lines at the base, and so it looks
like a mitten (cp. PD8); another example (P83) is closer to the stylized forms
of AB55. If it is a raised hand barring the way (Halt! Stop!) then it may refer to nouthetêma, "warning".
(P6, B48) two hands.
NAU? (AB36).
PA (P40, AB3, CC6, C PA) is possibly P40, a ship with its rigging (baris, “an Egyptian boat”?) but it is reduced to a mast with two strokes.
PE (P34b? A305, B72, CC11, C PE) appears to be a fetter (cp. PD14),
Greek pedê; but its features are lost
in transition.
PI (P20 21 22 79 90, AB39, CC51, 52, C PI) is a bee (Indo-European *bhi, Latin apis); also PD34.
PO (P43, AB11, CC12, 14, C PO) is certainly an ax (cp. A as a double ax, and PD15); pelekus is a word for “ax” that may or
may not be relevant here; likewise bolis,
PU (P49, AB50, CC61, 23, C PU) is a stringed musical instrument;
possibly phormingx, a seven-stringed
lyre; or burtê, a rare synonym for lyra,“lyre” (Hesukhios). The Cyprian
sign may be a development of AB29; see PHU.
PHU/BU (P30? AB29) from phulia, “wild olive’?
(P168? B62) pteruks, “wing”?
QA (P44, AB16) could be a sauce boat, end
view, with the two handles protruding (also PD44?).
QE (P73 74 75, AB78) a circular object, either
a ring or a circle with one or more dots, suggesting a ring, a shield, a
pancake (cp. Luwian glyph 181 PANIS), and it may have a connection with kyklos (kwekwlo) “circle”, with extended
meanings such as ring and shield.
QI (AB21) apparently a goat; cp. AI and ME, and also PD30.
QO (P11, B32, A345?) frontal view of a bovine
head (cp. MU, profile), from bous (gwou), “ox, bull. cow”.
QU (not attested?).
RA (P7, AB60, CA1, CC87, 88, C LA) a human arm, with the forearm and
hand horizontal; Greek brakhiôn means
“arm”, but the initial b might block
this as supplying acrophonic RA.
RE (P23, AB27, CC33, C RE) a lily (leirion); neither Cyprian LE nor RE looks
like the AB sign.
RI (P10, AB53, CC9, C LI) a human leg (cp. PD28, an animal leg). Semitic riglu ("foot" sometimes "leg") comes to mind, or English leg ....
RO (P70, AB2, CA7, CC5, C LO) is a cross; A2 is usually +, but B2 has the centre line
elongated at both ends; P70 is the corresponding pictograph; the acrophonic
source could be rhombos, something
that can twirl, such as a spinning top; B68 (RO2, ryo) could be the same thing.
RU (P92, AB26) is a lampstand (lukhnia) with two branches. In the
Cyprus syllabary, RU (CA 11, CC 28)
has an umbrella shape (rather than an umbrella blown inside out, in the Cretan form);
Cyprian LU (CC24) is similar, but
apparently a new creation.
RYA (P69, P71, A314, AB76) apparently a
flowing stream, rheô (“flow”).
(B68) see RO.
SA (P19, AB31, CA3, CC82, 57, 16, 48, C SA) is a squid, a cuttle-fish (sêpia).
SE (P26, P3?, AB9, CA14, CC44,45, C SE) a plant, perhaps parsley (selinon),
used for a victor’s crown in games (see P3, where it is on a human head).
SI (P55, AB41, CC27 58, C SI) a tripod vessel containing a stalk of wheat (sitos).
SO (P46. P80, P87, A301, A324, AB12, CC67, 60,
C SO) has long remained
unrecognized, but the adz of the craftsman is detectable; sophia means skill in arts and crafts, as well as wisdom. The Cyprus
sign apparently has the tool turned on its side.
SU (P35. AB58) appears to be a pig-sty (supheos). For Cyprian SU, see DU.
SWE? (AB49)
SWI? (B64)
TA (P56, AB59) is a writing tablet; Greek tabella and tablion are perhaps too late, but trapeza might suffice. For Cyprian TA, see DA.
TE (P25, AB4, CA13, CC7 62, C TE) is a tree (as perhaps in terebinthos, turpentine-tree, or
possibly connected to dendron),
originally with branches reaching upwards, but eventually outwards (like a
telegraph pole).
TI (P49, P93, AB37, CA15, CC23, C TI) is a pointed instrument, conjuring
up the stig root (stigeus, “brander”, stigma,“puncture mark”, stizô, “prick” or “brand”).
TO (P48, AB5, CC13 78, C TO) is a bow (toxon) with
an arrow, but the curve was straightened, and the string was reduced to a small
stroke (cp. PD11, a bow with no arrow).
TU (P77, AB69, CC26 30 31 32, C TU) is a depiction of hanging fruit,
ripe and ready for gathering (trugê);
the verb trugaô means “gather in ripe
fruits” (including grapes and grains); but a better acrophonic source might be
TWE (B87)
(P84? AB66)
(P41, AB54, CA6, CC95, C WA) looks
like cloth on a loom, so a connection with a weave word (root wa-?) seems likely.
WE (P61, A319, B75, CC 1, C WE) seems to be a worm or snake (P61)
and Latin vermis has the required WE
(cp. PD42, a caterpillar?); B75 has the shape of a reversed S; and A319 is like
capital I, the form that appears consistently in the Cyprus scripts; both are
derived from an original oblique Z form.
WI (P85, AB40, CC41 37, C WI)
WO (P2? AB180, B42, CC29 41, C WO) a razor (cp. PD44)?
WU (not found)
YA (P38, AB57, CA8, CC69 71 72?, C YA) is clearly a door, and Latin ianua has to be invoked here for the
ancient root ya (“go”), which occurs
as ienai (“go”) in YE (AB46, a person
YE (P4?, P91?, AB46, CC36) a walker (cp. PD1);
see YA.
YI (AB47?, CC40?) a combination of o and X,
with the arms protruding.
YO (P54, A349, B36, CC98, C YO) a vessel with two handles.
YU (uncertain, possibly AB65; no Cyprian
syllabogram); YU is found together with U on tablets HT 117a and 122b.
ZA (AB17) the Egyptian symbol of life (‘ankh),
Greek zaô, “live”, zôê, “life”.
ZE (P45, AB74, CC88 86 93 92, C ZE) a saw (kseô, “plane”?) or a comb (ksainô,
“card wool”?).
ZI (not identified)
ZO (P51, A312, AB20) a sculptor’s chisel (ksois)? (CC59 and C ZO are different).
ZU (P81? AB79)
[1] P:
and Godet 1996 (Corpus): 17, 19, 386-429.
[2] PD: Evans 1909: 22-28, 273-293, 276 (table of
signs); Duhoux 1977; Fischer 1988; Faucounau 1999: 10 (table), 65-105 (signs). Colless:
[7] CC:
E. Masson1974: 12-15, Figures 2-4; Olivier 2007: 413-415; Ferrara 2012:
255:Table 5:10, “A tentative standardized signs repertoire”; both Olivier and
Ferrara have arbitrarily reduced the number of signs on their tables; but until
we know the sound-value of every sign and can dispense with numbering, Masson’s
full set of numbers must remain in use.
Colless, tables and charts:
There were four syllabic scripts used on Crete in the Bronze Age (before 1200 BCE approximately). In the subsequent Iron Age, the Phoenician and Greek alphabets were employed, and the syllabaries were discarded (though in Cyprus a syllabary ("Cypro-Minoan") based on the Cretan script, specifically Linear A, continued to flourish).
The three main Cretan systems were related, as a genealogical family.
(1) Pictophonographic syllabary (PA) > (2) Linear A syllabary (LA) > (3) Linear B syllabary (LB).
(4) The fourth script was another pictophonographic syllabary (PB), which is found on the Phaistos Disc and on other documents, and which seems to be related to the other family (at least to the extent that they have many of their pictorial characters in common).
We can speak of a northern pictophonographic script (KnP, particularly connected with the palaces of Knossos and Mallia) and a southern pictophonographic script (PhP, connected with the Phaistos palace). When the Linear A syllabary was established (as a stylized simplified form of the pictophonographic system) it became universal over the island, and (somewhat paradoxically) the largest corpus of administrative tablets (that have so far been discovered) comes from Hagia Triada, near Phaistos.
I refrain from applying the term 'hieroglyphic' to the pictophonographic signs; it is a word that should be restricted to Egyptology; it leaves the Phaistos pictophonographs out of the picture; they are all pictorial signs, with nothing 'holy' (hieros) about them.
must also be remembered that the three main systems (northern PG, LA,
LB) are found beyond Crete, and it is not inconceivable that the
original Aegean script was invented on the mainland (Greece) or on
another island. An example
of the northern pictophonographic writing was found in Kea/Keos, an
island east of Athens; it is an impression on a hearth rim; and also
Linear A inscriptions. This fact provides support for my hypothesis that
this system was constructed acrophonically on the basis of a Hellenic
dialect (examples: A axinê 'ax', O ops 'eye', TO toxon 'bow'; NI
nikuleon 'fig', is a Cretan word, and this might mean that Crete was in fact the locus of the invention of the script).
signs in the 'linear' forms (LA, LB, and Linear C in Cyprus) are known
to have functioned as 'syllabograms' (and also as 'logograms' in LA and
Two tables are offered here: the first (Cretan
Syllabograms) shows my attempt to match up the signs of the three
northern systems (PG, LA , LB, as P, A, B), on the principle that the
pictorial signs become stylized in the Linear A inventory, and even more
so in Linear B; the second table (Cretan Pictosyllabograms) presents
the signs of the northern pictophonographic syllabograms.The P standing for pictophonographic is actually KnP (Knossos P) in the northern context; when it has to be distinguished from the southern script, KnP and PhP (Phaistos P) will be used.
A paradox is that although the Linear A script evolved out of the northern picto-syllabary, the largest collection of Linear A administrative tablets comes from Hagia Triada, adjacent to Phaistos; while Knossos and Mallia have yielded only a few fragmentary clay tablets. However, at Phaistos there are tablets exhibiting the southern script (Phaistos syllabary) as well as the northern Linear A script.
Notice that I reject the defeatist nonsense that there were not many Consonant + O signs in Linear A; supposedly lacking were so, do, dwo, mo, qo, yo, wo, no, two, ryo, zo, though o, po, to, ko, ro were grudgingly accepted onto the table; but it is true that they were not used frequently, and this says something about the language or languages in the Linear A texts.
A AB8 P42 (ax) [axinê]
AI B43 A306 [aix goat?] (cp ME and QI?) (#016 AI-TA-TI?)
AU AB85 P17 P13b (pig) [hus? autoboulos, self-willed, pig-headed?!]
HA B25 (cp Phaistos 10, arrow?) A368?
E AB38 P28 (hair, crest) [etheira]
I AB28 P31 (olive) [hiketeria elaia suppliant olive branch]
O AB61 P5 (eye) [omma, opsis, oculus]
U AB10 P95 (hedgehog) [hustrix]
YA AB57 P38 (door) [Latin ianua, Sanskrit yâ go]
YE AB46 P4? (walking) [ienai going, Sanskrit yâ go]
YI AB47?
YO B36 A349 P54 (amphora)
YU AB65?
WA AB54 P41 (cloth)
WE B75 A319 P61 (worm) [werm]
WI AB40 P85?
WO B42/AB180? A363? A364? P2? (razor)
RA AB60 P7 (arm) [brakhiôn ?]
RYA B76 P69? (water-course) (cp reô flow, roê stream?)
RAI B33 (same as saffron logogram)
RE AB27 P23 (lily) [leirion]
RI AB53 P10 (leg)
RO AB2 P70 (cross) [rhombos?]
RYO AB68 P40 (ship? spinning top?) [rhombos?]
RU AB26 P92 (lamp) [lukhnia menorah]
MA AB80 (cat) P34 (breasts?) [masta, mala breasts] replaced by P97 (cat) [ma, meow]?
ME AB13 P16 (sheep) [mêlon, mêkas bleating]
MI AB73 P13a? (bird-head?) [minurisma bird-warbling] (or P7 [arm] is not RA?)
MO B15 A321 A327 (cp Cyprian MO, and Egyptian djed) P68 (spine?) [monimos stable]
MU AB23 P12 (cow) [mukaomai, mukêma, moo-cow bellowing]
NA AB6 P78 (tearflow) [nama] (dakruôn therma nama Sophokles)
NWA B48 P6 (crossed arms) (neozeuktos newly-yoked, newly-wed?!)
NE AB24 P52 + P53 (libation vessel) [nektar divine drink]
NI AB30 P24 (fig) [nikuleon] (a Cretan word)
NO B52 A28b P8 (hand) [nomos law] (kheirôn nomos law of force)
NU AB55 P9 +83? (glove?)
PA AB3 P40? (ship) [baris Egyptian boat]
PE B72 A305? P34b? (fetter) [pedê]
PI AB39 P20 21 22 79 90 (bee)
PO AB11 P43 (ax) [pelekus?]
PU AB50 A369? P58 (lyre) [burtê]
TA AB59 P56 (tablet) [trapeza, tabula]
TE AB4 P25 (tree) [tere-, as in terebinthos]
TI AB37 P49 +93 (brander) [stigeus puncturing tool]
TO AB5 P48 (bow and arrow) [toxon]
TU B69 P77 (fruit)
DA AB1 P27, 29 (twig) [thalos]
DE AB45 P37, 94? (house/tomb) [demein build; thêkê container, grave]
DI AB7 P39? (= B64?) (netting?) [diktuon]
DO B14 A304? P50 (spear?) [doru]
DU AB51 P59 +60? (crook) [dunastês power-wielder]
KA AB77 P47 (cane basket) [kaneon]
KE AB44 P36 (pavilion) [skênê]
KI AB67 P57 (lyre) [kithara]
KO AB70 P62 P51 (nail) [gomphos, wedge-shaped nail]
KU AB81 P18 (dog) [kuôn]
QA AB16 P44 (bolt-pin for bar of gate? or key?) [balanos, balanagra key]?
QE AB78 P73-75 (circular object) [kuklos, kwekwlo]
QI AB21 P14? P54b? (animal?)
QO B32 B18? A333? A345? A347? P11 (bull) [bous, gwou]
SA AB31 P19 (cuttlefish, kalamari) [sêpia]
SE AB9 P26 +3? (parsley, for victor's crown) [selinon]
SI AB41 P55 (grain in container) [sitos]
SO B12 A301? P46 +80 +87 (adz) [sophia craftsmanship? skeparnon adz?]
SU AB58 P35 (enclosure) [supheos pig-sty]
ZA AB17 B19? (Egyptian `ankh symbol, life) [zaein, zôê]
ZE AB74 P45 (saw? comb?) [xainô comb, card; xeô plane, carve)
ZO AB20 A312? P51? P85 (WI)? (chisel? sword?) [xois sculptor's chisel] P51=LA36
ZU AB79? P81? (sun with rays?)
RYA B76 P69? P69
RYO B68 P40
NWA B48 006 P6 P6
NAU B86? P40? P40
PA3 AB56 [bathron ladder] P39
PU2 B29 P30? P32?
TYA B66 P84, P72?
KRA B34 P82 [glênê eyeball, pupil]
KRO B35 P63 P64 [klôstêr thread, line]
SWI? B64 P39? DI?
CHIC Brian Colless (John Younger)
001 seated human
002 head? (razor? WO cp P88?)
003 head +026 SE (= 026)?
004 upright human YE? DWE?
005 eye O (Rv)
006 *X* 2 arms NWA (NWA)
007 bent arm RA/LA (MI) [MI 013? 057?]
008 hand NO (A3)
009 glove? NU 009 +083? (A2)
010 leg RI (RI)
011 bovine head (front) QO (SI2) [11-16 mixed animals]
012 bovine head (side) MU (MU)
013 bird with open mouth (mixed) MI (MU2) [some 013? +015?]
014 animal head QI? (I)
015 animal head? (1x) +013? (DU?)
016 horned head ME (KI2)
017 pig head +013 AU (AU)
018 dog head + tongue KU (RA)
019 cuttlefish, sepia SA (SA)
020 bee PI (AI) [PI 020-022 +033? 079? 090?]
021 bee PI (PI)
022 bee PI
023 lily flower? RE/LE (TO)
024 fig tree? NI (NI)
025 tree? TE (TE)
026 _(_(_(_( SE [SE 026 +003?]
027 |/ (3x) DA? (= 029?)
028 hair crest E (KU2)
029 double twig DA (MA) [DA 27 + 29?]
030 \}/ (1x) DA? PU2 (phu)? (PU2)
031 \|/ I 031? +032? (RE)
032 \!/ (9x) PU2 (phu)? (RE2)
033 }.{ (3x) ZU? +81
034 fetters? breasts? PE +ME? (TA)
035 pig-pen? SU (SU)
036 pavilion KE (SA2)
037 house/tomb DE 037 + 094? (Rv) [cp PhDisc 24]
038 door + post YA (JA)
039 netting/trellis DI (PA3) DI 039? (=LinB64?)
040 ship PA (RO2)
041 cloth? WA (WA)
042 double ax A (A)
043 ax PO (SO)
044 metal object QA (KO)
045 saw ZE (ZE)
046 adz SO 046 + 080 + 087 ( )
047 cane basket KA (QE)
048 bow & arrow TO [1x] ( )
049 /|\ TI (RO3) TI 049 + 093?
050 spear? DO (TI)
051 dagger? chisel? ZO? (KI3)
052 ewer NE (NE)
053 jug NE (KI?)
054 amphora (2 rams?) YO? (DE) YO? +MA? +QI?
055 grain vessel? SI (KE)
056 talent? tablet? TA (KU)
057 V+ kithara KI (KI)
058 lyre PU (PU)
059 crook DU DU 059 +060?
060 |\ DU?
061 snake? worm? WE or = RI 010?
062 ___.
063 _._ KRO?
064 --o-- KRO? (DA)
065 .__. ?
066 || PA?
067 *||* HA?
068 spine? MO (Rv)
069 ZZ RYA?
070 cross + x RO (RO)
071 }}} RYA?
072 triangle TYA?? (KA)
073 circle QE 073? +74 +75
075 circle (dotted) QE 075 (1x) + 074 (1x)
076 ? YU?
077 fruit TU (RU2) MA? ME? NI?
078 eye and tear-flow? NA (DO)
079 bee? PI? (= 020)
080 adz SO (= 046)
081 (1x) ZU?
082 eyeball? KRA?
083 (=009?) (1x) NU?
084 TYA? TWO?
085 /+\ WI? (WI)
086 QO? (= 068?)
087 adz SO (= 046)
088 [razor? WO? RI =002?
089 X YE? PE? RI?
090 bee? PI? (= 020)
091 ^^^ ?
092 lamp? RU (RU)
093 /|\ TI (= 049) (TI)
094 /=\ DE? (= 037)
(097) (cat) MA? (MA)
What you see here is a host of hypotheses struggling to become a grand unified theory.
This is a revised and expanded version of my release entitled "Table of Cretan pictoglyphs" (28 July 2003), providing a description or drawing of the characters, and an attempt to match them with their counterparts in the Linear B inventory.
The prefix 'P' stands for 'pictosyllabogram' (or 'pictophonogram'), with the CHIC numbering.
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